Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции (Oct 2019)
Structuring ampelographic collections by phenotypic characteristics and comparing the reaction of grape varieties to climate change
Modern climate changes task breeders to adapt viticulture to the new natural resource potential of the regions. A necessary condition is the assessment and analysis of current trends in changing the characteristics of contrasting groups of varieties. The aim of the study is to identify homogeneous groups of varieties of an ampelographic collection and to compare the rates of reaction of their agrobiological parameters to climate changes. Material for the study consists of observations of 21 agrobiological characteristics of 109 grape varieties from the Don ampelographic collection named after Ya.I. Potapenko (Novocherkassk) with an observation period from 10 to 36 years in 1981–2017. The sample included Vitis vinifera L. varieties and the V. vinifera L. × V. labrusca L. and V. vinifera L. × V. amurensis Rupr. interspecific hybrids, and hybrids from crosses between V. vinifera L. and several American species. Homogeneous groups of characteristics and varieties are identified by principal component analysis (PCA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) methods. Trends in changing the agrobiological characteristics of the varieties and groups of varieties are calculated. PCA revealed that the main differentiating factor of the studied fragment of the ampelographic collection is the size of the bunch; the second, the yield; the third, the time of ripening. The values of the factors are contrasting in varieties of different directions of use and taxonomic origin, which was confirmed by ANOVA. The groups of the V. vinifera × V. labrusca and V. vinifera × V. amurensis hybrids do not differ significantly from each other in most indicators, exceeding V. vinifera varieties in the number of elements of productivity, winter hardiness and yield. Complex hybrids with American species have an intermediate position between these groups exceeding all groups in bunch weight. All groups of cultivars show trends towards a reduction in productive period, an increase in the mass of bunch and yield, sugar content and a decrease in acidity. The V. vinifera × V. labrusca hybrids are distinguished by the highest growth rate of the bunch mass caused by a reduction in the duration of active growth and a decrease in the percentage of fruit-bearing shoots. A higher reduction rate of the production period and a decrease in acidity were observed in later varieties. Regression analysis showed that the acceleration of the ripening of grapes is largely due to rising temperatures.