Revista de Saúde Pública (Apr 2004)

Evolução da mortalidade infantil na região metropolitana de São Paulo, 1980-2000 Infant mortality evolution in the metropolitan region of São Paulo (Brazil), 1980-2000

  • Marcia Moreira Holcman,
  • Maria do Rosário Dias de Oliveira Latorre,
  • Jair Lício Ferreira Santos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 38, no. 2
pp. 180 – 186


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a evolução do coeficiente de mortalidade infantil na região metropolitana de São Paulo, no período de 1980 a 2000, considerando suas diferenças espaciais, segundo idade e causa. MÉTODOS: Os municípios da região metropolitana de São Paulo, foram reunidos em cinco grupos formados a partir do coeficiente de mortalidade infantil (CMI) de 1980: CMI maior ou igual a 90‰ nv (grupo 1), CMI entre 70 e 89‰ nv (grupo 2), entre 50 e 69‰ nv (grupo 3) e abaixo de 50‰ nv (grupo 4). O grupo 5 foi formado pelo Município de São Paulo (CMI=51‰ nv). A análise das tendências foi feita por modelos de regressão exponencial. RESULTADOS: O CMI e seus componentes foram estatisticamente decrescentes (pOBJECTIVE: To analyze IMR evolution in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA) between 1980 and 2000, in terms of spatial, age and, causal differences. METHODS: SPMA municipalities were divided into 5 groups, based on their 1980 IMRs: ³90‰ lb (Group 1); 70-89‰ lb (Group 2); 50-69‰ lb (Group 3); <50‰ lb (Group 4). Group 5 comprised the municipality of São Paulo itself (IMR=51‰ lb). The analysis of trends was carried out using exponential regression models. RESULTS: IMR and its components showed a statistically significant decrease (p<0.05), with coefficients of determination between 66 and 98%, indicating goodness of fit of the exponential model to all the time series analyzed. SPMA IMR fell 69.4%, from 55.2 to 16.9‰ lb, and Groups 1-5 showed reductions of 83.9%, 76.2%, 71.3%, 58.7%, and 68.8%, indicating that the groups with highest IMRs also showed the greatest reductions during the studied period. CONCLUSIONS: IMRs were homogenized at around 18‰ lb in all municipality groups in the SPMA. One-half of all deaths were concentrated within the first week of life, and were due primarily to conditions originating in the perinatal period, indicating that greater care during the pre- and post-delivery periods will be required if the IMR in the SPMA is to descend to levels compatible with those of developed countries.
