Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Umanistice (Aug 2017)


  • Nadia CRISTEA

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 4 (104)


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Istoria Basarabiei secolului al XIX-lea cu aspectele ei lingvistice, legislative, naționale, habitatul și specificul ei distinctiv, format din mai multe etnii, a fost oglindită în numeroase lucrări ale autorilor ruși. Am desprins din mulțimea scrierilor aspectele anunțate în lucrarile reprezentanților curentului slavofil. Unii dintre ei au vizitat Basarabia rusească din curiozitate, alții fiind în misiune, unii au scris din cele studiate sau auzite. Interesant este că scrierile lor fac casă comună cu ideologia timpului, formulată prin drepturile slavilor asupra acestui teritoriu anexat la 1812. Concepțiile lor sunt inerente timpului și locului istoric, dezlipite din realitatea Imperiului Rus, a panslavismului și a ortodoxiei protectoare.THE HISTORIOGRAPHICAL ASPECTS OF THE SLAVOPHILES ABOUT BESSARABIA UNDER THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE The History of the 19th centuryBessarabiawith its linguistic, legislative and national aspects, the habitat and its distinctive peculiarities that were formed by a large number of ethnicities, was reflected in a lot of works of the Russian writers. From this amount of written works I have selected some aspects that can be found in the writings of the Slavophil intellectual movement representatives. The majority of the personalities mentioned above visitedBessarabiawhen it was under the Soviet occupation, the reasons being quite different: some did it out of curiosity, others - being on a mission, while a lot of them wrote their studies based on the information they had learned or heard. An interesting fact that can be noticed in their works is the ideology of time, expressed through the Slavs’ rights for this territory, which was annexed in 1812. Their concepts are inherent to time and historical space, taken from the reality of the Russian Empire, Pan-Slavism and Protective Orthodoxy.
