Âderna Fìzika ta Energetika (Jun 2012)
Elastic and inelastic scattering of 11B ions by 14C at 45 MeV
New experimental data for differential cross sections of 14С(11B, 11B)14С inelastic scattering at the energy Elab.(11В) = 45 MeV for transitions of 11B nucleus to the excited states of 2,12 - 8,56 MeV were obtained. Experi-mental data were analyzed within optical model and coupled-reaction channels method. Elastic and inelastic scattering of nuclei, reorientation of spin of 11B and simplest transfers of nucleons and clusters were included in the coupling scheme. Woods - Saxon optical model parameters of 14С + 11B interaction and deformation parameters of 11B nu-cleus were deduced. Optical potential, deduced from the fit of experimental data, is compared to the respective folding-potential, calculated by the method of double-folding. Isotopic differences of optical model potentials for 12,13,14С + 11B interaction, using the results of recent publications of 12,13С + 11B elastic and inelastic scattering at similar energies, were investigated. Contributions of one- and two-step transfers of nucleons and clusters into the elastic and inelastic channels of 14С + 11B scattering were defined.