Nuclear Physics B (Mar 2022)
Suspended fixed points
We study the orientifold of the N=1 superconformal field theories describing D3-branes probing the Suspended Pinch Point singularity, as well as the orientifolds of non-chiral theories obtained by a specific orbifold Zn of SPP. We find that these models realize a mechanism analogous to the one recently found for the orientifold of the complex Calabi-Yau cone over the Pseudo del Pezzo surface PdP3c: they all flow to a new IR fixed point such that the value of the a-charge is less than half the one of the oriented theory. We also find that the value of a coincides with the charge of specific orientifolds of the toric singularities L(n¯,n¯,n¯) with n¯=3n/2 for n even or L(n¯,n¯+1,n¯) with n¯=(3n−1)/2 for n odd, suggesting the existence of an IR duality.