Известия высших учебных заведений: Геология и разведка (Apr 2016)

The possible nature of the changes in the intensity of magnetotelluric field during the pulsations of the non-tidal gravity variations

  • Yu. V. Antonov,
  • A. K. Rybin,
  • V. E. Matiukov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 2
pp. 39 – 43


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The joint change in variations of magnetotelluric field of the Earth and un-tidal variations of gravity, registered at the territory of Bishkek Geodynamic Polygon, are considered. There is a clear relationship of these variations. During the pulsations of the gravity the magnetotelluric field intensity decreases. Since the pulsations are associated with the meteor streams, the meteor showers can be assumed to weaken the density of charged particles flying from the Sun.
