Zdorovʹe Rebenka (May 2024)

Modern approaches to the training of pediatricians and assessment of their professional competences: domestic and American experience

  • H.V. Beketova,
  • O.P. Volosovets,
  • I.P. Horiacheva,
  • O.V. Soldatova,
  • S.D. Saltanova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 3
pp. 156 – 161


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In the article, issues related to the effective training of students/pediatricians and assessment of their competencies are discussed, taking into account the specifics of pediatric care in modern conditions. Nowadays, pediatricians are using a number of innovative technologies and provide daily assistance to a larger number of patients than before, with much less time spent on professional communication. To a certain extent, this reduces the desire of pediatricians to take care of children, because under such conditions, the art of communicating with a patient and his fa­mily members is lost. The article provides recommendations on the experience of American educational institutions regarding the effective elimination of communication problems between students/ pediatric residents and a patient, members of his family, and colleagues. It describes methods that help learn the principles of cultural and effective professional communication in order to improve understanding of the psychology of a child and his family members in the context of the family medicine. Further, information is provided regarding the key approaches to the formation of the main components of professionalism in pediatric practice at the undergraduate and postgraduate stages of the training of pediatricians, collegiality, resolving issues of conflict of interests in the context of cooperation with representatives of the pharmaceutical industry.
