Frontiers in Earth Science (Nov 2020)
Multi-Hazard Portfolio Loss Estimation for Time-Dependent Shaking and Tsunami Hazards
Megathrust subduction earthquakes generate intense ground shaking and massive tsunami waves, posing major threat to coastal communities. The occurrence of such devastating seismic events is uncertain and depends on their recurrence characteristics (e.g., inter-arrival time distribution and parameters) as well as elapsed time since the last major event. Current standard probabilistic loss models for earthquakes and tsunamis are based on a time-independent Poisson process and uniform earthquake slip distribution. Thereby, considerations of more realistic time-dependent earthquake occurrence and heterogeneous earthquake slip distribution are necessary. This study presents an innovative computational framework for conducting a time-dependent multi-hazard loss estimation of a building portfolio subjected to megathrust subduction earthquakes and tsunamis. The earthquake occurrence is represented by a set of multiple renewal models, which are implemented using a logic-tree approach, whereas earthquake rupture characterization is based on stochastic source models with variable fault geometry and heterogeneous slip distribution. By integrating these hazard components with seismic and tsunami fragility functions, multi-hazard loss potential for a coastal community can be evaluated quantitatively by considering different possibilities of earthquake recurrence and rupture characteristics. To demonstrate the implementation of the developed time-dependent multi-hazard loss model, the Tohoku region of Japan is considered.