EPJ Web of Conferences (Jan 2014)

On-line remote monitoring of radioactive waste repositories

  • Calì Claudio,
  • Cosentino Luigi,
  • Litrico Pietro,
  • Pappalardo Alfio,
  • Scirè Carlotta,
  • Scirè Sergio,
  • Vecchio Gianfranco,
  • Finocchiaro Paolo,
  • Alfieri Severino,
  • Mariani Annamaria

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 79
p. 03007


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A low-cost array of modular sensors for online monitoring of radioactive waste was developed at INFN-LNS. We implemented a new kind of gamma counter, based on Silicon PhotoMultipliers and scintillating fibers, that behaves like a cheap scintillating Geiger-Muller counter. It can be placed in shape of a fine grid around each single waste drum in a repository. Front-end electronics and an FPGA-based counting system were developed to handle the field data, also implementing data transmission, a graphical user interface and a data storage system. A test of four sensors in a real radwaste storage site was performed with promising results. Following the tests an agreement was signed between INFN and Sogin for the joint development and installation of a prototype DMNR (Detector Mesh for Nuclear Repository) system inside the Garigliano radwaste repository in Sessa Aurunca (CE, Italy). Such a development is currently under way, with the installation foreseen within 2014.