Iranian Journal of Veterinary Surgery (Oct 2021)
Idiopathic Congenital Cervical Megaesophagus in a Goat Kid
Megaesophagus is atony and dilatation of the esophagus that is usually congenitally but acquired cases also happen. Salivation, regurgitation, aspiration pneumonia, and esophagitis are complications of the megaesophagus. Megaesophagus has been reported in various animals including horses, cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep, dogs, and cats but the occurrence is rare in ruminants. The exact etiology of the megaesophagus remains unknown. A two-day-old goat kid from a goat herd was referred to veterinary education and teaching hospital who regurgitate after milk feeding and sometimes cough. An Enlargement was felt under the throat after milk feeding. Two similar cases in this herd had died with these symptoms in the past month. All vital signs and complete blood cell count of the animal were normal. Lateral plain radiographs and contrast radiographs with barium contrast were performed for further examination. Radiographic findings confirmed the congenital cervical megaesophagus. Esophageal massage to the down direction and the forelimb raising after eating a small amount of milk was also recommended for this animal as a treatment protocol. It was recommended that the bucks should be culled to control the possible genetic origin. In our follow-up after a week, the kid was alive, but dead in the second week. This report presents the descriptions of clinical and radiographical findings of a congenital cervical megaesophagus in a kid. The complications can be relatively controlled with special care, but it is unlikely that the animal can be kept alive for long periods.