Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()
Family composing the soundtrack of its reintegration: a theoretical model
ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the meaning of the family's reintegration attributed by the family experiencing it and to construct a representative theoretical model of this experience. Method: this is a qualitative study, conducted with four families with a total of 20 interviewees, with Symbolic Interactionism as theoretical framework, Grounded Theory as methodological, participant observation and the experience of musical making, mediating the interview as strategies of data collection. Results: a comparative analysis of the data led to the identification of the main category and to the construction of the theoretical model TRYING TO REBUILD WHAT WAS BROKEN. Conclusion: the family experiencing reintegration lives a process of reconstruction that allows to revisit situations of abandonment and review the behavior of caring and re-meaning of family coexistence. For the health professional, this study invites to think about this theme and to review the concept of family, in order to create their own sense of care.