Zhongguo shuxue zazhi (Dec 2024)
Immunogenicity of red blood cell blood group antigens in the population of Xi'an
[Objective] To evaluate the immunogenicity of red blood cell blood group antigens in the population of Xi'an. [Methods] Data on blood group antigens of voluntary blood donors from the Shaanxi Province Blood Center and unexpected antibody detection results from clinically submitted cases between January 2019 and May 2024 were analyzed. The Giblett blood group antigen immunogenicity calculation formula was used to calculate the immunogenicity of blood group antigens based on the frequency of unexpected antibodies and the probability of antigen-negative patients receiving antigen-positive red blood cells. The relative immunogenicity of each blood group antigen was obtained by multiplying the immunogenicity of the K antigen (0.095). [Results] A total of 30 921 individuals were included for red blood cell blood group antigen analysis, with 511 cases of unexpected antibody identification. The ranking of red blood cell blood group antigen immunogenicity for the overall population was: Wra>E>Dib>Fya>K>C>e>c>Dia>Jka>M>Lea>Jkb>Leb>Fyb>S, while for males, it was: Dib>Wra>E>K>Fya>C>e>c>M>Dia>Jka>Fyb>Lea>Leb>Jkb>S. [Conclusion] Based on the immunogenicity ranking from strong to weak of red blood cell antigens in the population of Xi'an, this study provides theoretical support for the expansion and matching of antigens, and technical support for achieving precise red blood cell transfusions to improve transfusion efficacy and safety.