Acque Sotterranee (Dec 2012)
Low enthalpy geothermal energy: borehole heat exchangers (BHE). Geological and geothermal supervision during active construction in support of the energy certification of buildings - ESBE certification plan
This article draws on the experience matured while working with low-enthalpy geothermic installations both in the design and executive phase as well as ongoing monitoring, within the scope of energy conservation as it relates to building and construction. The goal is to illustrate the feasibility of adopting the ESBE certification protocol (Certification of Energy Efficient Low-Enthalpy Probes) aimed at optimizing the harnessing of local geothermic resources to satisfy the energy requirements of a building, measured against the initial investment. It is often the case, in fact, that during the course of a construction project for a given low-enthalpy installation, we verify incompa tibilities with the local geologic and geothermic models, which, if inadequate during construction, can compromise the proper functioning of the installation and its subsequent operation. To this end, the ESBE method, which adheres to the governing environmental regulations, and which takes its cue from technical statutes within the sector, permits us to validate via verification, simulations and tests, the geothermic field probes used in construction in an objective and standardized manner, thereby joining and supporting the most recent protocols for energy certification of buildings (LEED 2010, CASACLIMA 2011, UE 20120/31 Directive). ESBE certification operates through a dedicated Certifying Entity represented by the REET unit (Renewable Energies and Environmental Technologies) of FBK (Bruno Kessler Foundation) of Trento. The results obtained by applying the ESBE method to two concrete cases, relative to two complex geothermic systems, demonstrate how this protocol is able to guarantee, beyond the correct execution in the field of geothermic probes, an effective coverage of the energy requirements of the building during construction adopting the best optimization measures for the probes in keeping with the local geological and geothermic model.