Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections are common sexually transmitted diseases. Increased antibiotic-resistant of N. gonorrhoeae strains were reported. N. meningitidis is another human restricted bacterium transmitted through mucosa. However, the induction of systemic specific IgG antibody against some proteins between the two species is known, but the mucosal immune response to these pathogens is not clear. We hypothesized that N. meningitidis could induce immune response against N. gonorrhoeae. Therefore, serogroup B Proteoliposome (PL) was transformed into AFCo1 (Adjuvant Finlay Cochleate 1) and used for nasal immunization of C57Bl/6 mice. The specific IgG and IgG subclasses against both antigens in sera and vaginal extraction were measured by ELISA. Specific proliferation (3H incorporation) of spleen cells and lymph node recall in vitro with PL or N. gonorrhoeae total antigens was measured. Serum and vaginal extraction anti N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae IgG as well as the induction of specific IgG subclasses were detected. N. gonorrhoeae induces specific proliferation of spleen, cervical lymph node (cLN), and mediestinal (meLN) cells from immunized mice. In conclusion, AFCo1 induce anti N. meningitidis immune responses that recognized N. gonorrhoeae antigens in mice.