MedEdPORTAL (Dec 2009)

Cultural Competency Interviewing Case Using the ETHNIC Mnemonic

  • Amy Blue

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5


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Abstract This case uses standardized patients (SPs) to teach sensitivity and cultural competency to medical students when listening to patients' feelings about their illnesses. Specifically, the case teaches students how to effectively communicate with patients who have health beliefs and practices that differ from biomedicine. The case integrates the “ETHNIC” mnemonic, which serves to guide students in the assessment and communication of cross cultural issues in patient care. The case also introduces folk or lay beliefs about hypertension found in African-American communities in the Southeastern US, although other minority communities in the US may subscribe to similar beliefs as well. The case materials include instructions for the student, a SP scenario for SP training, and a checklist for faculty members or the SP to provide constructive feedback to the student or document performance. Demographic details of the case could be altered, but the case will be most realistic with an older person of either gender.
