Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines (Dec 2020)
Resistiendo la acumulación por desposesión en los manglares ecuatorianos: los Pueblos Ancestrales del Ecosistema Manglar y su política de producción de comunes
This article analyzes the enclosure process of mangrove ecosystem in the Ecuadorian coast by the shrimp farming industry, and the interrelated collective actions of resistance implemented by the social movement for the defense of mangroves. With the aim of increasing the power over the means mangrove gatherers’ use to secure their livelihoods, this social movement implemented a novel ethnic political strategy by which it self-positioned as Ancestral Peoples of the Mangrove Ecosystems-PAEM and claimed the right to territory-mangroves. Through this ethnic politics strategy, it is argued, that this social movement sought, but without success, to produce “commons” in direct opposition to the privatized spaces of the shrimp farms.