Journal of Electronic Science and Technology (Mar 2020)
BER performance of finite in time optimal FTN signals for the Viterbi algorithm
In this article, we consider the faster than Nyquist (FTN) technology in aspects of the application of the Viterbi algorithm (VA). Finite in time optimal FTN signals are used to provide a symbol rate higher than the “Nyquist barrier” without any encoding. These signals are obtained as the solutions of the corresponding optimization problem. Optimal signals are characterized by intersymbol interference (ISI). This fact leads to significant bit error rate (BER) performance degradation for “classical” forms of signals. However, ISI can be controlled by the restriction of the optimization problem. So we can use optimal signals in conditions of increased duration and an increased symbol rate without significant energy losses. The additional symbol rate increase leads to the increase of the reception algorithm complexity. We consider the application of VA for optimal FTN signals reception. The application of VA for receiving optimal FTN signals with increased duration provides close to the potential performance of BER, while the symbol rate is twice above the Nyquist limit.