Van Tıp Dergisi (Aug 2020)
Evaluation of Internship Feedback (A Quantitative Study)
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the feedback questionnaires applied to the internship of Faculty of Medicine students and to contribute to the development of the intern medicine program. METHODS: The sample of the study consists of the students who continue to the sixth term in 2017-18 Academic Year. The questionnaire consisting of 12 questions was distributed to the students. 'Strongly agree' 'agree' 'undecided' 'disagree 'and' strongly disagree ' were asked to make a rating (Likert's Scale). The feedback was received from total of 72 students and was applied Correspondence Analysis. RESULTS: Negative feedback was received on Gynecology and Obstetrics, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Cardiology, which occupy an important place in Medical Education. However, when they graduate and become a general practitioner, they most encounter: about practice of Family Medicine, Emergency and Forensic Medicine, was received positive feedback on all questions. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: According to the results obtained from descriptive statistics and graphs, it was seen that pre-physician views were different according to the type of training program. Branches that occupy an important place both in theoretical and practical applications in medical education should be reviewed in terms of educational contents and physical conditions. Moreover, in the most common branches in the field, contribution should be made to the continuity of the training with the feedbacks.