Revista Portuguesa de Educação (Jan 2012)

Programa de intervenção em contexto educativo: dispositivo electrónico de avaliação da descodificação fonética de aprendentes de Português Língua Segunda

  • Sandra Figueiredo,
  • Carlos Fernandes da Silva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 1
pp. 113 – 136


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The verbal behaviour is achieved because, on the one hand, there is a system of principles and conditions, which are considered as universals for all the human languages, supported by the biological need, but, on the other hand, those elements are part of the dynamic relation of events which constitutes the individual's context. Those events are not only the brain structures (mentalist perspective), but also the elements that generate the stimuli context to be discriminated which must be called 'environment' (functional perspective). After a theoretical revision of concepts and a perspective about phonetic decoding processes, results obtained by the set of tests developed for this study will be reported. Moreover some discussion will focus specifically on the achievement of second language learners regarding the segmentation (spelling task) and minimal pairs judgment tests.