Inovasi Matematika (Jan 2022)
Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Matematis Siswa dalam Online Learning pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
The aim of this research is to analyze students' mathematical literacy skills in online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. Data were collected through test of mathematical literacy. The test instrument is based on indicators of mathematical literacy ability and has fulfilled the criteria of validity and reliability. The data was analyzed descriptively. This study involved 68 seventh grade students at a state junior high school in Lampung. The research subject were determined purposively by considering the teacher's suggestions and initial analysis. The results showed that students' mathematical literacy skills in online learning were still low, which was indicated by the average score of the students' mathematical literacy ability test, which was 46.46 and the number of students who had scores below the average of 67.64%. Meanwhile, the percentage of achievement on each indicator is also still low. The answers given by students showed that, as many as 89,07% of students still had difficulty in choosing and comparing strategies to obtain solutions, 64,06% of students had difficulty in using reasoning to relate the information obtained from a problem with the concepts they already had, and as many as 78,12% of students have difficulty in using or manipulating formulas or procedures in solving contextual problems. Given how important mathematical literacy skills are, a teacher must be able to design lessons so that they can help students develop mathematical literacy skills.