Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity (Jul 2013)

Two New and Three Newly Recorded Species of Chironomidae (Diptera) from Korea

  • Han-Il Ree

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 29, no. 3
pp. 217 – 226


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Chironomid adults were collected by light traps at night, sweeping on grasses, during daytime hours, sweeping of swarming males with an insect net, and aspiration of light-attracted adults using a sucking tube. The collected specimens were slide-mounted and examined. I identified two species new to science, namely Orthocladius manhaei n. sp. and Ablabesmyia jeongi n. sp., and three species for the first time in Korea: Paratrichocladius tamaator Sasa, 1981, Rheocricotopus chalybeatus (Edwards, 1929) and Hayesomyia tripunctata (Goetghebuer, 1922). This is the first report of the genera Rheocricotopus and Hayesomyia in Korea. The genus Hayesomyia in the tribe Pentaneurini of Tanypodinae has a Holarctic distribution with only one species recorded from each of the Palaearctic and Nearctic regions.
