Наука и инновации в медицине (Jun 2018)

Residual Risk of Cardiovascular Complications in Case of Adequate Lipid-Lowering Therapy

  • VV V Simerzin,
  • OV V Fatenkov,
  • IV V Gagloeva,
  • MA A Galkina,
  • YaA A Panisheva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 2
pp. 19 – 25


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This article is devoted to the problems of residual risk of cardiovascu1ar comp1ications deve1opment for high and very high risk patients under adequate lipid-fowering pharmacotherapy in spite of c^lestera! and tow-density 1ipoproteins target level achievement. Afong with classic risk factors the special atte^ton is given to 1ipoprotein (a) [LP (a)] as the most aggressive factor of cardwvascular system atherosclerotic diseases devetopment and their comp1ications. Great importance is attached to 1ipidopheresis.
