Micro and Nano Engineering (Jun 2024)
Continued dimensional scaling through projection lithography
This article discusses the important role that optical lithography has played in realizing Moore's Law. With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and the Internet of Things, the demand for computing power and data storage capacity has never been as large as today. Optical lithography has been able to keep up with the resolution demand by increasing the Numerical Aperture of the projection Lens, decreasing the wavelength and innovative resist schemes. After the introduction of Immersion lithography and Double patterning, EUV was introduced by the industry. Although the transition from 193 nm lithography to EUV lithography was very difficult, EUV follows the same scaling laws as Optical Lithography. The conclusion is that the scaling laws of Optical Lithography continue to support Moore's Law, through the development of high NA EUV Lithography.