Radioengineering (Apr 2013)
Hybrid M-FSK/DQPSK Modulations for CubeSat Picosatellites
Conventional CubeSat radio systems typically use one of several basic modulations, such as AFSK, GMSK, BPSK, QPSK and OOK or switch between them on demand if possible. These modulations represent a bal¬anced trade-off between good energy efficiency of high order M-FSK modulation and good spectral efficiency of high order M-QAM modulation. Utilization of modulations with the best energy efficiency is not possible due to strict limits on occupied frequency bandwidth. In this paper the proposed group of hybrid modulations and proposed hybrid modulator and demodulator are presented. Novel solution offer interesting possibilities of increasing spectral efficiency as well as energy efficiency of basic M-FSK modulation by embedding DQPSK symbols between two M-FSK symbols. Such group of hybrid modulations offers suitable properties for picosatellite, e.g. simple realization onboard the picosatellite, better energy and spectral efficiency, low PAPR, wide range of adaptation by changing the order of M-FSK, suitable for easy non-coherent demodulation, good immunity to Doppler effect with DM-FSK coding.