SA Journal of Industrial Psychology (Nov 1978)
Ergonomics in the South African manufacturing industry
The aim of this study is to obtain a picture of the application of Ergonomics in the South African manufacturing industry. Information was gathered concerning the nature of ergonomic activity, the kind of data used for ergonomic analysis as well as the manner in which such data are obtained. The result of the study are considered in the light of some factors of particular importance in the South African context. Opsomming Die studie is daarop gemik om 'n beeld te vorm oor die toepassing van Ergonomika in die Suid-Afrikaanse vervaardigingsnywerheid. Inligting is ingesamel oor die aard van plaaslike ergonomiese aktiwiteite, die soort ergonomiese inligting wat gebruik word sowel as die wyses waarop sodanige inligting verkry word. Die resultate van die studie word oorweeg in die lig van enkele faktore wat van wesenlike belang is in die Suid- Afrikaanse konteks.