Neural Regeneration Research (Jan 2015)
Exercise promotes motor functional recovery in rats with corticospinal tract injury: anti-apoptosis mechanism
- Ting-ting Hou,
- Xiao-yu Yang,
- Peng Xia,
- Su Pan,
- Jian Liu,
- Zhi-ping Qi
- Ting-ting Hou
- Xiao-yu Yang
- Peng Xia
- Su Pan
- Jian Liu
- Zhi-ping Qi
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10,
no. 4
pp. 644 – 650
Studies have shown that exercise interventions can improve functional recovery after spinal cord injury, but the mechanism of action remains unclear. To investigate the mechanism, we established a unilateral corticospinal tract injury model in rats by pyramidotomy, and used a single pellet reaching task and horizontal ladder walking task as exercise interventions postoperatively. Functional recovery of forelimbs and forepaws in the rat models was noticeably enhanced after the exercises. Furthermore, TUNEL staining revealed significantly fewer apoptotic cells in the spinal cord of exercised rats, and western blot analysis showed that spinal cord expression of the apoptosis-related protein caspase-3 was significantly lower, and the expression of Bcl-2 was significantly higher, while the expression of Bax was not signifiantly changed after exercise, compared with the non-exercised group. Expression of these proteins decreased with time after injury, towards the levels observed in sham-operated rats, however at 4 weeks postoperatively, caspase-3 expression remained significantly greater than in sham-operated rats. The present findings indicate that a reduction in apoptosis is one of the mechanisms underlying the improvement of functional recovery by exercise interventions after corticospinal tract injury.
- spinal cord injury
- propriospinal system
- neural plasticity
- fiber sprouting
- neural repair
- compensation
- regeneration
- propriospinal detours
- neurotrophic factors
- cell-adhesive ligands
- dorsal root ganglia
- nerve growth factor
- biomaterials
- elastin-like proteins
- Alzheimer′s disease
- apoptosis
- autophagy
- central nervous system
- CCN4
- diabetes mellitus
- erythropoietin
- IGF-1
- mTOR
- neuron
- neuropathy
- oxidative stress
- psychiatric
- stem cells
- Wnt
- peripheral nerve injury
- nerve graft
- nerve conduit
- Wallerian degeneration
- neurotrophic factors
- veins
- autografts
- nerve regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- neuroprotection
- resveratrol
- cerebral ischemia
- cerebral infarction
- matrix metalloproteinase
- molecular docking
- extracellular matrix
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- vagus nerve stimulation
- cerebral ischemia
- inflammatory cytokines
- infarct volume
- neurological function
- NSFC grants
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- Xingnao Kaiqiao needling method
- ischemic stroke
- randomized controlled trial
- systemic reviews
- meta-analysis
- long-term efficacy
- mortality
- recurrence
- disability
- adverse reactions
- health economics indicators
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- cerebral ischemia
- hippocampus
- blood flow
- isolated basilar artery
- dose-response curve
- NSFC grant
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- traumatic brain injury
- coma
- median nerve electrical stimulation
- wake-promoting
- orexin-A
- OX1R
- NSFC grants
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- seizure
- antiepileptic drugs
- immature brain
- hippocampus
- synaptic plasticity
- glutamate receptor
- NSFC grant
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- puerarin
- in vitro experiments
- co-culture
- neurons
- astrocytes
- Transwell
- neonatal rats
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- brain injury
- inflammatory reaction
- interleukin-6
- voltage-gated Na + channel
- cortical neurons
- cerebrospinal fluid
- neuroimmunomodulation
- neuroprotection
- action potential
- patch clamp
- neurophysiology
- NSFC grants
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- brain injury
- cognition disorders
- diagnostic techniques
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale
- event-related potential
- neuronal plasticity
- electrophysiology
- neuropsychology
- activity of daily living
- work capacity evaluation
- electroencephalogram
- neural regeneration
- NSFC grant
- nerve regeneration
- cerebral palsy
- corticospinal tract
- diffusion tensor
- hemiplegia
- motor
- rehabilitation
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- matrix metalloproteinase 9
- cervical and intracranial angioplasty and stenting
- restenosis
- intracranial artery stenosis
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
- propofol
- spinal cord injury
- cell transplantation
- electrophysiology
- motor function
- stem cells
- neuroprotection
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- spinal cord injury
- corticospinal tract
- exercise
- functional recovery
- apoptosis
- Bcl-2
- Bax
- caspase-3
- NSFC grants
- neural regeneration