Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Jun 2018)


  • Галина МЕЛЬНИЧУК

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2 (18)
pp. 52 – 56


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Мельничук Галина. Роль волонтерства в укреплении гражданского общества в Украине. Цель исследова- ния. Расскрыть характерные особенности волонтерского движения; его роль в укреплении гражданского общества; обозначить общественную необходимость в деятельности волонтерских организаций, как еффективного инструмента влияния на власть; очертить необходимость принятия мер в их поддержании на государственном уровне. Научная новизна. Впервые произведен комплексный подход к изучению способов сосуществования и сотрудничества волон- терских организаций с государственными институтами. Методы. Автор изучает деятельность волонтерских организа- ций в Украине и в европейских странах, используя исторические и сравнительные подходы к пониманию современ- ной истории. Выводы. Исходя из существующей практики, необходимо разработать нормативное обеспечение волон- терской деятельности во всех сферах гражданского общества, которое будет огромным подспорьем для развития стра- ны в целом.idation of Civil Society in Ukraine. The goal of the research. The article is an in-depth study of the major concerns of the volunt- eer movement under current conditions and its role in consolidation of civil society. The increase in activities of the volunteer moveme- nt in Ukraine took place in 2014 in relation to the events in Maidan and military conflict in Donbas. Volunteer help resulted from the pressing need to save people's lives, support the soldiers of Ukrain- ian army and assist the internally displaced persons from the confli- ct zone. Mobilization of resources by engaging civil society of Ukraine was carried out through volunteering. The author of the article provides insight into traditions of volunteering, mutual aid and civil activity in European countries. She defines the focus areas of the volunteers and emphasizes the need to assume a comprehe- nsive set of measures regarding their support by state institutions. Scientific novelty. Peculiar features and axes of activities of volunteering in modern Ukraine are covered for the first time in Ukrainian historiography. It is substantiated that prompt self- organization of concerned citizens under difficult circumstances provided a powerful impetus for the new volunteering: protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and preservation of a sovere- ign independent state. Conclusions. Activity of volunteer organizations under com- plicated social and political conditions is by far more efficient as opposed to that of state institutions burdened with time-consuming bureaucracy. The mass media and the latest information technolo- gies helped to quickly bring volunteer programs and projects to the level of their practical implementation. Volunteers form the core of civil society as events in recent years have shown. However, the ultimate result is lost without clear organization of cooperation between public and power structures. Thus, the above-mentioned points out the necessity of developing standard provision of volunt- eer services in all spheres of civil society, meeting the requirements of time, while promotion of volunteer movement will contribute to the wider engagement of people in charity activities and become an impetus for social advancement and national development.
