Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly (Jan 2021)

The impact of enological products for tartaric stabilization on wine filterability

  • Puškaš Vladimir,
  • Miljić Uroš,
  • Vučurović Vesna

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27, no. 4
pp. 355 – 362


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The aim of this research was to evaluate the impact of the most commonly used agents for tartaric stabilization of wine, such as metatartaric acid, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), mannoproteins and gum arabic, on the filterability of white, rosé and red wines previously pre-filtered and prepared for the final filtration and bottling. Wine filterability after sweetening with rectified concentrated must was also assessed. The experiments were carried out using the Quality Filterability Test and the obtained results were expressed through the filterability index (FI), and maximum filterable volume (Vmax). The results confirmed that the used enological agents for the inhibition of tartaric instabilities generally did not worsen the filterability of white and rosé wines (FI500). The correlation between white and rosé wine turbidity and filterability was recorded in the trials but the same trend was not registered for the red wine. The results of this study are important since membrane (final) filtration of improperly prepared wine characterized by low filterability can both increase the costs and lead to holdup on the bottling line.
