BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (Oct 2019)
Modeling lifetime abuse and cardiovascular disease risk among women
Abstract Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the most significant health challenges facing women today. Abuse is a serious gendered issue also affecting the health of women. Despite beginning evidence that abuse may increase the risk of CVD among women, causal pathways linking abuse to CVD have received little attention. Our purpose was to test Scott-Storey’s conceptual model showing direct and indirect pathways through which lifetime abuse severity may affect women’s CVD risk. Methods Using data collected from a community sample of 227 Canadian women who had left an abusive partner, we conducted structural equation modeling with latent growth curve analysis using a phantom variable approach to test the direct effects of severity of lifetime abuse on CVD risk (indicated by measures of systolic and diastolic blood pressure) as well as its indirect effects through CVD risk behaviors and through women’s initial level of depressive symptoms and the observed rate of change in their depressive symptoms over time. Results Women in this sample had above average CVD risk factors (i.e., smoking, overweight/obesity, depressive symptoms, high blood pressure) in comparison to women in the general population. Further, CVD risk behaviors increased with severity of lifetime abuse and remained present long after leaving the abusive relationship. Results of the tested model provide preliminary evidence supporting many of the hypothesized pathways by which severity of lifetime abuse can increase CVD risk among women; the model fit the data reasonably well explaining 41% of the variance in CVD risk. Conclusions Findings support the growing recognition of the long-term effects of lifetime abuse on cardiovascular health, suggest important implications for clinicians working with women, and provide a novel approach for studying the concept of cumulative lifetime abuse through the use of a phantom variable.