Biogeosciences (Feb 2023)

Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon respiration along a forested elevation gradient in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda

  • J. Okello,
  • J. Okello,
  • J. Okello,
  • J. Okello,
  • M. Bauters,
  • M. Bauters,
  • H. Verbeeck,
  • S. Bodé,
  • J. Kasenene,
  • A. Françoys,
  • A. Françoys,
  • A. Françoys,
  • T. Engelhardt,
  • K. Butterbach-Bahl,
  • R. Kiese,
  • P. Boeckx

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20
pp. 719 – 735


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Tropical montane forests store high amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, global warming may affect these stocks via enhanced soil respiration. Improved insight into the temperature response of SOC respiration can be obtained from in and ex situ warming studies. In situ warming via the translocation of intact soil mesocosms was carried out along an elevation gradient ranging between ca. 1250 m in the Kibale Forest to ca. 3000 m in the Rwenzori Mountains in Uganda. Samples from the same transect were also warmed ex situ. Ex situ results revealed that, following the elevation gradient, which represents a natural climate gradient, specific heterotrophic CO2 respiration decreased linearly by 1.01 ± 0.12 µgCh-1g-1 of SOC per 100 m of elevation increase. The coefficient of temperature sensitivity increased from 1.50 ± 0.13 in the lowest- to 2.68 ± 0.25 in the highest-elevation cluster, showing a linear increase of 0.09 ± 0.03 per 100 m of elevation increase. Additionally, respired CO2 was more depleted in 13C in the warmer lower elevations as compared to colder higher elevations, with a linear decrease of 0.23 ‰ ± 0.04 ‰ per 100 m of elevation increase. Furthermore, the microbial community structure indicated a weak trend along the elevation gradient, with higher elevations more dominated by fungi relative to bacteria. The results indicate an increased recalcitrance and decreased mineralisation of SOC, with elevation likely driven by decreasing soil temperature and pH. Subsequently, after 2 years of in situ warming (0.9 to 2.8 ∘C), specific heterotrophic SOC respiration tended to be lower for warmed soil compared to control soil. Furthermore, in warmed soils, δ13C values and SOC content tended to increase and decrease, respectively. Collectively, this points towards the increased mineralisation and depletion of readily available C during 2 years of warming. In conclusion, our results suggest that climate warming may trigger enhanced losses of SOC from tropical montane forests due to a combination of a higher temperature sensitivity of mineralisation and higher SOC content at higher elevations.