Naqd-i Zabān va Adabīyyāt-i Khārijī (Dec 2016)
A Comparative Study of Intuition of Essence in HusaynIbn Mansur al-Hallaj’s and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Outlook in the Light of Plato’s Idealism
Emerson’s Transcendentalism, in which both humanity and the cosmos participate, shares the manifestation of Over Soul in Hallaj’s union with Absolute. Meanwhile, the meditation of Plato’s cosmology and spiritual knowledge resulted in the contemplation of Essence and the relations of being so that one might be able to grasp the intuitive knowledge of Absolute Essence. The intuition of Essence uncovers the truth of beings and directed our attention to the fundamental Essence. Besides, Plato’s definition of Absolute in terms of the theory of Form and Idea opens a way to the universal acceptance of Mysticism by its followers. In order to grasp an intuitive knowledge of Essence, it is required to find a shared language among different cultures. This research is started by stating the fact that Plato’s Good within the framework of Gnostic Idealism will lead us towards the shared language. Then, it is mentioned that a comparative study of Hallaj’s and Emerson’s outlook reveals that these two mystics have marvelous similarities whereas they have different language, culture and religious sect. Indeed, their platonic Gnosticism is shadowed by Plato’s Idealism.