Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research (Jan 2017)
Evaluating the effect of lifestyle education based on health belief model for mothers of obese and overweight school-age children on obesity-related behaviors
Background: Nowadays, childhood obesity is a matter of significant concern because of its negative effects on personal health and harmful socioeconomic consequences. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of lifestyle education based on the health belief model for mothers of obese and overweight school-age children on obesity-related behaviors. Materials and Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 64 obese and overweight elementary students and their mothers who met the inclusion criteria participated. The participants were randomly categorized into two groups (experimental and control). The experimental group received the considered interference, which consisted of four educational sessions based on the health belief model. Data collection tool was a standard questionnaire. The questionnaire filled by the participants during interviews conducted before, immediately after, and two months after the intervention. Data were analyzed using Mann–Whitney, Chi-square, student's t-test, repeated-measures analysis of variance, and least significant difference tests. Results: Mean scores of obesity-related behavior before the intervention were not significantly different between the experimental and control group (53.41 (6.78). vs 54.72 (4.63); P= 0.37), however, were different immediately after (58.41 (6.88) vs 54.81 (4.66); P= 0.02) and two months after the intervention (62.34 (8.62) vs 55.84 (7.59); P= 0.002). Conclusions: This study indicated the effectiveness of lifestyle education based on the health belief model for improving obesity-related behaviors. Therefore, the use of this educational program is recommended for mothers.