Cadernos de Pesquisa (Dec 2016)

EDUCAÇÃO PROFISSIONAL NO BRASIL PÓS LDB 1996: contradições e sentidos

  • Francisca das Chagas Silva Lima,
  • Lucinete Marques Lima

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 3
pp. 16 – 30


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The article reflects on the Professional Education in Brazil post LDB seeking to grasp the principles and conceptions underlying normative and programmatic instruments, their relations, contradictions or senses. Bibliographical research and documentary analysis are used. It considers that, in the last twenty years, Brazilian educational policies have deepened the ties with the logic of capitalist restructuring of production and with the concept of multipurpose training for a flexible, selective and excluding labor market structure. The normative bases of national education, since LDB 1996, incorporate influences of this model of flexible accumulation and respective reference of training by competence, and of neoliberal doctrine, nevertheless, the dispute and the contradiction remain in the academic debate and programmatic and institutional practices With other conceptions of formation.
