Problemi Ekonomiki (Mar 2018)
Conceptualization of the Formation of Corporate Culture in International Business Structures
The aim of the article is to conceptualize the formation of corporate culture in international business structures. Corporate culture is seen as a powerful strategic factor ensuring a collective’s focus on cohesion in order to effectively solve common problems and achieve the set goals in international business structures. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of many scientists, approaches to the process of formation of corporate culture in international business structures and its components (mission, strategy, philosophy, goals, values) are considered. Attention is focused on the main activities of international business structures in the field of strategic personnel management under current conditions of development. The conclusion is made that the target and value priorities of a corporation are determined by the essence of its corporate culture, and the corporate culture itself is the backbone for the management of international business structures in controlling the collective, which should ensure directing the vector of the employees’ interests towards and using their strategic potentials for achieving the general goal of the corporation.