Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal Recia (Mar 2018)
Corneal ulcer in an argentine chair horse of Córdoba, Colombia
We report a case of an Argentine castrated male horse, about 8 years of age, which was attended by the outpatient clinic of the Medical-Surgical Clinic of Large Animals of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the University of Cordoba. The anamnesis indicates that the horse was in field work in a wooded land, which presented the next day of work increase in the production of tears and edema in the eyelids of the right eye, which was treated with eye drops antibiotic for 3 days. Fifteen days after the treatment was applied, the horse managers did not notice improvement, so they requested Veterinary Medical help. In the clinical evaluation of the animal, epifhora with purulent secretion, chemosis, conjunctivitis and edema with marked lesion of the corneal epithelium were found in the right eye. Special tests such as the Schrimer test were performed, with marked increase in lacrimal secretion; Subsequently the Fluorescein Sodium test was performed, evidencing the marked ulceration of the cornea. In definitive diagnosis, based on the special ophthalmic examination and the tests performed was of corneal ulcer.