Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (May 2017)
Haemostatic Disorder in Women with Unexplained Menorrhagia: A Tertiary Care Centre Experience from Northern India
Introduction: Menorrhagia is a common gynaecological problem and its cause remains unexplained in a significant proportion of females. Aim: The present study was done to diagnose a wide range of haemostatic disorders which can give rise to menorrhagia in women of adolescent, postadolescent and perimenopausal age group. Materials and Methods: A total of 1100 women presenting to gynaecological emergency with complaints of menorrhagia underwent comprehensive evaluation. After excluding local pelvic pathology and hormonal disorders as a cause of menorrhagia 104 women were included in this study. Screening investigations including bleeding time, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, platelet count and morphology were done. The following diagnostic investigations were carried out as and when required. Platelet aggregation tests using adenosine diphosphate and ristocetin, platelets function tests, specific factor analysis as and when required. Results: Age of patients ranged from 13 years to 46 years. Eighteen patients had menorrhagia since menarche. Seven patients had family history of abnormal bleeding. Twenty three patients were found to have systemic haemostatic disorder (10 patients of Von Willebrand Disease (vWD), seven of GlanzmannThrombasthenia, one of Bernard- Soulier syndrome and five of immune thrombocytopenic purpura). Conclusion: From this study it is concluded that systemic haemostatic disorders are found in substantial number of women presenting with menorrhagia. Hence, after excluding organic/ hormonal cause, haemostatic disorders should be considered before taking patient for invasive surgical procedures.