روش شناسی علوم انسانی (Dec 2021)
Possibility of applying ijtihad method in humanities (Case study: Leadership in Islamic management)
In order to enable the application of the ijtihad method in the humanities, this article explores the leadership style in Islamic management, using Islamic teachings and based on ijtihad analysis. Findings of this study show that ijtihad method is a combined method that is related to the combined knowledge of management from the branches of humanities and the method of Islamic leadership as one of the subjects of humanities in the field of ijtihad method can be analyzed. Considering the ijtihad method in Islamic teachings, there are two categories of propositions, in both of which there is a part of Quranic propositions and a part of narrative propositions. Some of the first category statements directly depict the ruler or leader's relationship with followers and how they interact with them; However, some of these statements are general speeches that can be applied to the style of absolute softness; Therefore, it can be said that this category of propositions implies softness and absolute friendliness, and the second category of Qur'anic and narrative propositions emphasizes the mixing of softness with intensity of action; According to these two categories of propositions, according to the principles of jurisprudence and jurisprudence in the ijtihad method, it is possible to be in the position of a combination of propositions wherever a group of propositions (arguments) imply an absolute subject, at the same time a group Other propositions imply the same subject, carried absolute propositions to the constraint; What is more, according to the rule of "the plural is important, the first possibility of my plan", the arguments that are absolute can be carried on, so it can be inferred that in the leadership style, both flexibility and intensity of action are necessary; Hence, the result of ijtihad analysis is that leadership in Islamic management is a mixture of "maximum flexibility and minimum intensity."