Brock Education: a Journal of Educational Research and Practice (Jun 2019)
Novice teachers’ perspectives on the use of languages in French as a second language classes that include English language learners: A longitudinal view
In the Canadian context, although most considerations of the home-target language use divide are centred on the presence of English in French Second Language (FSL) programs, the increasing number of immigrants has provided impetus to extend the discussion to include the use of languages beyond Canada’s official languages. With the use of questionnaires with novice teachers pre and post Bachelor of Education programs and interviews for three years hence, this study sought to explore novice teachers’ perspectives on the use of languages in the FSL classes that include English language learners (ELL). Novice teachers remained consistent in identifying the need to maximize French use, minimize English use, and include languages from students’ language repertoires as useful means to support the FSL acquisition of ELLs. In addition, the novice teacher participants revealed a preference for ELLs to be included in core French as opposed to immersion programming.