Sovremennye Issledovaniâ Socialʹnyh Problem (Mar 2019)
Headline is considered an integral as well as main part of any publication, as it is the first link that attracts the reader’s attention when reading a newspaper or magazine article. The headline carries certain information about the content of a journalistic work, so it must have some emotional colouring, spark the readers’ interest and attract their attention. Purpose. This article is devoted to the analysis of syntactic means of expressive headlines. The subject of the analysis are modern articles from German magazines. The choice of the research material allows analyzing the means of expressiveness of headlines at the syntactic level in a new way. Method or methodology of the work. The basis of the research is formed by the method of continuous selection in the choice of practical material, the descriptive method of linguistic and stylistic analysis, as well as the method of quantitative and qualitative analysis. Results. The results of the study showed that syntactic features of the titles of print press articles are multifaceted and diverse. Journalists use different syntactic means to make the headline more emotional and expressive. The most frequent are nominative headlines, both with a single noun and consisting of two or more nouns. Ellipsis is one of the means that is widely used to make the headline catchy. The reader perceives a short headline quicker; its unusual form arouses interest and encourages the reader to read the whole text. From the point of view of the purpose of the statement, narrative sentences are the most common. However, whereas there are headlines in the form of interrogative sentences, incentive sentences are very rare. To attract the reader’s attention to the text, an emphatic stress often appears at the beginning of the headline achieved by changing the word order. The use of repetition at different levels for emphatic purposes can also be found in the material under study. Application area. The results of the research can be used in theoretical courses on the stylistics of the German language, as well as in special courses on the discourse of the modern German press.