Social Medicine (Sep 2024)

An Occupational Health Perspective of Nurses’ Quality of Life in Indonesia

  • Nuraini,
  • Heru Santosa,
  • Erna Mutiara,
  • Wirsal Hasan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 3


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This study aims to develop factors and indicators of aspects that shape nurses' quality of life. It was conducted using a cross-sectional design, while the population consisted of nurses working in the inpatient ward totaling 915. The sample size was determined by the rule of thumb criteria which produced 270 nurses. The samples were selected using the simple random sampling technique, while data was collected with a questionnaire that had been tested for its validity and reliability. The endogenous variable hypothesis test was carried out by SEM-PLS analysis. The results showed that health aspects affect nurses' quality of life, as physical health sharpens engagement in professional activities and social relationships. Spiritual influence on nurses' quality of life, as well as the ability to withstand stress, anxiety, and depression, depend on the value of trust in God. Furthermore, the workplace standard affects the quality of life, while job satisfaction influences the achievement of welfare. The work environment is the main stressor for workers about job satisfaction and self-actualization. The Indonesian government needs to formulate policies to support work environment management in health service agencies, as well as facilitate the Indonesian Nurses Association to improve nurses' quality of life and increase their competence.
