Indian Journal of Public Health (Jan 2020)

Significance of super spreader events in COVID-19

  • Sanjiv Kumar,
  • Shreya Jha,
  • Sanjay Kumar Rai

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 64, no. 6
pp. 139 – 141


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The number of secondary cases from each primary case determines how fast an epidemic grows. It is known that all cases do not spread the infection equally; super spreaders play an important role as they contribute disproportionately to a much larger number of cases including in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Super spreaders have been reported for more than a century, but limited information is available in scientific literature. An epidemic containment strategy needs to include early identification of super spreaders to limit an explosive growth. Super spreaders tend to get stigmatized, resulting in late reporting and hiding of cases. It is important for program managers to be sensitive to the manner in which related information is shared with media and general public.
