Zdravniški Vestnik (May 2005)
Nerve growth factor – its role in asthma and allergic reactions
Background: Nerve growth factor (NGF) plays an important role in the growth, differentiation and survival of peripheral and central neurons. Beside neurotrophic activity, NGF exerts several effects on the cells of immune system. Recent studies have demonstrated the importance of NGF in asthma and allergic diseases, such as allergic rhinitis and urticaria.Conclusions: Elevated NGF concentrations have been observed in biological fluids of patients with asthma and allergic diseases. The concentration of NGF further rises after sensitization with allergen. Numerous studies have reported NGF synthesis by almost all inflammatory cells. In addition, most inflammatory cells express TrkA and p75 NGF receptors. Since the activation of mast cells with NGF evokes release of histamine within minutes, this could indicate the potential role of NGF in the early stage of allergic reaction. The late phase of allergic reaction is characterized by infiltration of eosinophils. The activation of eosinophils with NGF evokes release of cytotoxic mediators (major basic protein). Several data also suggest that NGF plays a role in airway inflammation, bronchoconstriction, hyperresponsiveness and remodelling, all observed in patients with asthma. All these results indicate that NGF contributes to responses in allergic inflammation and asthma.