Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning (Nov 2019)
The Significance of Promoting Teacher Reflection: A Review Article
La importancia de promover la reflexión del profesor: artículo de revisión A importância de promover a reflexão docente: artigo de revisão The present review article is intended to bring the significant issue of teachers’ reflective practice into the limelight by overviewing how this concept evolved through time and what it promises for successful teaching. The concept of teacher reflection, defined as teachers’ beliefs about their teaching practice, has been subjected to a number of criticisms regarding its instrumental nature, disregard of social justice, and a vague reinforcement of the existing ideologies instead of challenging beliefs. These critiques have been discussed in this article, and possible ways to overcome the challenges are highlighted. Furthermore, pieces of evidence from a number of previous research studies are reviewed, which highlight how practicing reflection enables teachers to become aware of both their individual development and the different dimensions of the education program. It is further discussed that teacher reflection can benefit from different research perspective attempting to solve the ambiguities blurring its significance. To reference this article (APA) / Para citar este artículo (APA) / Para citar este artigo (APA) Moayeri, M, & Rahimiy, R. (2019). The significance of promoting teacher reflection: A review article. LACLIL, 12(1), 128-143. DOI: Received: 09/12/2018 Approved: 21/05/2019