INNOVATIONS in Pharmacy (Jan 2013)
An Elective Course in Women’s Health Issues
Purpose: To develop, implement, and evaluate an elective course for the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) curriculum that provides students with a comprehensive overview of women’s health across the lifespan and exposes them to social and economic issues that impact women’s health. Case Study: At the time of this writing, the class has been delivered 3 times to a total of 56 students. Students read and discussed (both in-class and online) timely articles in women’s health issues on topics including sex-based biology; women in clinical trials; maternal and child health; women’s health coverage and access to care in the United States; gender and health communication; abuse and the role of healthcare professionals; and international issues in women’s health and women’s rights. Students completed a pre- and post-test; developed seminar presentations regarding women’s health issues; wrote reflective essays about the course; and designed and implemented health promotion projects for National Women’s Health Week (NWHW). At the end of the course, the number of correct answers on the post-test significantly improved from the pre-test (p<0.001). Through anonymous course evaluations, students indicated that the assignments fulfilled the learning objectives (mean 4.68 on a 5-point Likert scale) and the exercises were useful in helping their understanding of the material (mean 4.66 on a 5-point Likert scale). Over 500 women from the campus and community participated in the NWHW projects. Implications: An elective course was designed to educate pharmacy students regarding women’s health issues and to provide students with an opportunity to perform community outreach.