Acta Médica Portuguesa (Mar 2022)
Correction to the article “Colorectal Screening Program in Northern Portugal: First Findings”, Published on Acta Med Port 2022 Mar;35(3):164-169.
On page 168, Table 2, where it reads: On page 168, Table 2, where it reads: Advanced phenotype rate* [n (%)] 35 (49.0) 10 (52.0) 25 (47.0) 0.606 Carcinoma** [n (%)] 2 (2.0) 1 (5.0) 1 (2.0) It should read: Advanced phenotype rate [n (%)] 179 (22.0) 57 (30.0) 35 (21.0) 29 (21.0) 24 (14.0) 34 (24.0) Carcinoma [n (%)] 3 (0.4) 2 1 On page 168, Table 3, where it reads: ADR (%) 80.0 - Advanced adenoma (%) 44.0 15.9 It should read: ADR (%) 41.0 - Advanced adenoma (%) 22.0 15.9 Article published with errors: