Научно-аналитический вестник Института Европы РАН (Jun 2020)

«Ukrainian Transit»-7. Large Electoral Cycle: a Chance or a Challenge?

  • Victor Mironenko



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Ukraine is in a state of transformation, in search of an adequate social and political model. It’s going through a second transformational crisis. The depth and the way out of it showed the completed large electoral cycle – presidential, parliamentary, and local elections in 2019–2020. The degree of freedom available, the preference given by Ukrainian citizens to legal means of solv- ing emerging political problems over any other, as demonstrated by the very fact of these elections and the manner in which they were conducted, are singled out this society and this new independent state on a common somewhat uncertain and dim background of the «post-Soviet space». All this makes Ukraine and its processes a litmus test of the ability and readiness of Ukraine and other newly independent States to resolutely democratize and modernize themselves in a coordinated manner. For Ukraine, a large electoral cycle, the way it ended, is both a challenge and a chance. How will she respond to and use it in the light of these important political developments? The proposed article attempts to answer this question.
