Acta Psychologica (Jun 2021)
A Gratton-like effect concerning task order in dual-task situations
Performing two tasks simultaneously involves the coordination of their processing. Task coordination is particularly required in dual-task situations with varying order of the component tasks. When task order switches between subsequent trials, task-order coordination leads to order switch costs in comparison to task order repetitions (i.e., worse performance in trials associated with an order switch compared to an order repetition). However, the adaptive characteristics of task-coordination processes and order switch costs are underspecified so far. For example, studies on conflict control have shown that these coordination processes can be modulated in response to changes in task demands. The present study investigated therefore whether task-order coordination processes are modulated by the previous experience of a task-order switch. To investigate order switch costs in a dual-task situation with two sensorimotor tasks with variable task-order, we analyzed performance in current trials with task-order switches and with task-order repetitions following task-order switches and task order repetitions in the preceding trial. The data of four different experimental conditions showed that order switch costs were reduced in trials following task-order switches compared to task-order repetitions; resembling the Gratton effect commonly observed in conflict adaptation paradigms. We discussed the present results in the context of task-order set representations, cognitive control theories, and dual-task models.