Российский паразитологический журнал (May 2016)

Methodical guidelines for treatment and prevention of mixed infections in pigs in commercial, individual and husbandry farms

  • S. V. Yengashev,
  • E. H. Daugalieva,
  • M. D. Novak,
  • M. A. Anisimova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 2
pp. 121 – 125


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Mixed infections caused by nematodes, balantidia, eimeria, isospora inflict economic damage on pigs livestock. In case of subclinical infections in breeding pigs the newborn pig crop is weak and nonviable. Changes in technology of feed and management of pigs cause some features that the epizootic process of helmin- thosis and protozoa infections is marked by. This process increases by pig growing in commercial, individual and husbandary farms.In huge factory pig farm com- plexes the stress factors affecting sensitivity, individual features of adaptive system organization, immune status of animal populations and virulence of causative agent become more significant. In factory pig farms a permanent control on epizootic situation in relation to helminthosis and protozoa infections is necessary. For this purpose periodic random examinations of young piglets, yelts and pigs are con- ducted. Young piglets are examined 10 days before moving to a fattening house, yelts of fatting groups I and II - single examination during each stage. Dehelminti- zation of pigs is carried out in the multiplication farm according to the following schedule: pigs weaned between 14 and 21 days of age - at once, then growing pigs between 65 and 75 days and fattening pigs - between 1 and 90 days. The dehelmin- tized animals should be kept in the pen within 5-6 days and further moved to pre- mises where washing and disinvasion are performed. Control for effectiveness of dehelmintization should be performed 7-10 days after coprological examination where not less than 15 % of pigs are to be examined. Control for effectiveness of drugs should be performed 5 days after conducting an antiprotozoal treatment. One of the essential conditions for prevention of helminthosis in pigs is the proper prep- aration for farrowing, adequate feeding of sows due to farrow and sucking sows as well as balanced diet for young piglets and yelts of all technological groups. Ani- mals should be provided with high-quality water from autodrinkers located at a height of 30 cm above the floor. Vitamin, immunomodulator, antioxidant, anti- hypoxia and iron-containing drugs injections are recommended for application within the winter-spring season. The same purposeful prevention system allows to guarantee reduction of vulnerability in pigs to parasitic and infectious diseases and increase of total reactivity
