In die Skriflig (Jun 2018)
Kerklike tug: Pastoraal-kerkregtelik van aard en daarom billik en regverdig? NG Kerkorde, artikel 60.3 ’n geesteskind van die Dordtse Kerkorde?
Church discipline: A fair and just pastoral-ecclesiatical act? Is article 60.3 of the Church Order of the Dutch Reformed Church a spiritual offspring of the Church Order of Dordt? Departing from the viewpoint that church discipline is spiritual in nature, article 60.3 of the Church Order of the Dutch Reformed Church states that it should be exercised in a fair and just pastoral-ecclesiatical way. In doing so, this Order should be obedient to the Word of God, the confessions of faith of this church, its church order and the normative character of the church as an institution of society. This requirement, in terms of the formulation of article 60.3, is investigated. In addition, article 60.3 is compared with the Church Order of Dordt to determine whether the former may be regarded as a spiritual offspring of the latter. It is concluded that article 60.3 is indeed scriptural, according to the confessions and determined by the character of the church. It is therefore also an offspring of the Church Order of Dordt.