RIDE (Dec 2023)
This paper reviews the digital edition Der Sturm – Digitale Quellenedition zur Geschichte der internationalen Avantgarde, which aims to bring together all existing digital sources on the STURM company, to make them accessible and to link them with each other. Initiated by Herwarth Walden by founding the STURM magazine for contemporary art, the STURM company provided many different platforms (e.g., gallery, publishing, theatre) for the art scene in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century and had also a big impact on the international avant-garde. The digital edition currently offers facsimiles, transcriptions, and commentaries on a part of the letters, the encoding of the sources and texts is done in TEI-XML and can be downloaded or accessed via an API. Inventory lists exist for the other documents which link to the source of the digital image. All semantic and structural entities of STURM sources are permanently referenced using persistent identifiers.